
How do walks help with relaxation?

Walking gives us an opportunity to soak in the sounds of nature. The National Trust found that this can be great for improving our wellbeing as the sounds are relaxing and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety by over a fifth.

Nature sounds are often drowned out by human activity (anthrophony) including road traffic, industrial noises, buzz of electricity. This noise can grate on the senses increasing the fight or flight response. So visiting nature spaces can help reduce this.

Biophony is the sounds made by living creatures including birdsong and insects while geoghony is the sounds made by waves crashing on the shore, babbling stream, wind in the trees (breathe magazine issue 31).



While out in nature listen out for natures tunes

  • The babbling flow of water in a stream
  • Birdsong, especially at dawn
  • A breeze rusting through the leaves
  • Buzz of bees and the chirps of insects
  • The ebb and flow of the tides lapping the shore
  • The bleating of newborn lambs
  • The patter of raindrops
  • Ripe barley bristling in the wind
  • The gush of a waterfall
  • The creaks and groans of ancient tree branches
  • Owls hooting at twilight
  • Waves crashing over rocks
  • Curlews on the moors
  • The whooshing of wings in a starling murmuration

(words Carol Anne Stange, source – breathe issue 31)

Podcast the healing power of nature on Audible

Listen to nature soundscapes without leaving the house.

Posted on: 5th October 2024

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