Benefits of Walking in Nature
Mindful walking is an excellent, cost-free way of bringing more self-care into your daily routine! It can be a great way of stepping away from everyday life and gaining a fresh perspective. You can do this as a group activity or it can be a solitary pursuit.
There are numerous benefits that come with walking. NHS England reports that it can boost self-esteem, mood and improve sleep quality. Walking can also increase energy, lower stress and depression. As well as this, there is strong evidence that being physically active can lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and some cancers. (NHS, 2024)
Walking is man’s medicine
– Hippocrates (Greek physician).
Green areas are found to have more positive effects on wellbeing. This is because, being in nature improves your mood, reduces feelings of stress and anger, helps physical health, self-esteem, confidence, and loneliness (Mind).
Go for a walk in a nearby green area. Pay attention to the surrounding sights and sounds. Look around with fresh eyes. Listen to the wind rustling in the trees and the bird song.
Walks in Sunderland
Heritage trails in Sunderland
The active 10 app records the minutes of walking that you do –
Posted on: 28th September 2024