Sunderland Mind Newsletter
Would you like to be added to our newsletter mailing list? Please get in touch via email at
Also, if you have any events coming up, or news you are eager to share? We would love to hear from you! Get in touch by contacting Vic at to feature in our next edition.
Sunderland Mind Information Leaflets
We provide access to digital copies of our Service Booklets, please get in touch via email at
National Mind Information and Support
It is really important that you have access to the right information when supporting someone with a mental health problem or living with one yourself. The links below are great resources that can help educate you.
Useful Links
- Men’s Health Network email
- National Mind
- Rehab Recovery – Help with addictions
- Sunderland Pride – NO LINK
- Wellbeing Info Directory
- An excellent guide about guarding mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic from rehab4addiction.